West of the Pecos - Zane Grey

West of the Pecos ebook

WYDAWCA: Ktoczyta.pl
FORMAT EBOOKA: Kindle mobi ePub
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WIĘCEJ O EBOOKU - „West of the Pecos”

From one of the bestselling western novelists of all time, comes another classic story. It is the story of Terrill Lambert, a young girl who disguises herself as a boy, at first to please her father’s dream for a son and second to protect herself in wild west Texas when her father is murdered. Young Terrill Lambeth could ride and shoot with the best men of the south. When her widowed father parks a caravan and drives towards Texas, she gets the chance to test her skills and prove herself on the rugged and dangerous trail west. When Templeton is murdered Terrill is left to fend for herself until desperado Pecos Smith crosses her path. A romantic western of the early 20th century.
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